A few words about us.

The project is titled:
"Development of an innovative remote-controlled mini excavator powered by single-phase current up to 240V".
Project value: 3,284,171.61 PLN
EU funding for the project: PLN 2,339,118
The main objective of the project is to research and develop a prototype of an innovative remote-controlled tracked mini excavator equipped with an all-electric drive powered by a single-phase power supply of up to 240V, along with a set of dedicated attachments. In addition, the project includes batteries that allow the mini excavator to operate without additional power for a minimum of 1 hour. The development of the solution will allow one person, in the form of an operator, to control the machine from a distance in particularly difficult conditions, dangerous places with large angles of inclination and with limited visibility of the working area of the working system. The developed electric-powered mini excavator will be able to find a wide range of applications, including indoor work, garden work, construction work or road repairs.
The main objectives of the project will be achieved through the following tasks:
- Developing assumptions and product concepts based on a deep understanding of user problems and needs using Design Thinking methodology
- Design of the mini excavator with dedicated attachments and any systems applicable to the mini excavator and attachments
- Conduct a series of studies and tests to optimize the design from a functional, practical and safety perspective
- Analysis of the materials used in terms of environmental protection and replacement of the materials used with more environmentally friendly ones
- Construction of a prototype mini excavator, attachments and plastic body
- Conduct a detailed analysis of the mini excavator in terms of patentability and in the context of mass production
06.2016Establishment of Tophoe Poland
Begin designing micro excavators weighing about 500kg. The MP360 and MP120 excavators were created.06.2017Raptor 10c
Work begins on the Raptor 10c mini excavator. A prototype of a 1,100gk mini excavator with a sliding chassis has been created. The prototype features above-standard strength and lifting capacities.12.2017NCBiR project
Tophoe Sp. z o.o. has submitted documentation for a mini electric excavator project.07.2018Receiving a grant from NCBiR
A grant has been awarded to create a mini electric excavator. The completion of the team and work on the project itself has begun.10.2018Buckets for mini excavator
Developing basic attachments for the mini excavator like the dredge bucket and regular bucket.12.2018Stone sifting spoon
Prototype of stone sifting bucket developed06.2019First prototype of demolition shears
The project included a prototype demolition shear.08.2019Emergence of innovative 6-in-1 bucket for mini excavators
Developing a 6-in-1 bucket for mini excavators.10.2019Grabber design for mini excavator
A prototype grabber for mini excavators has been developed. It allows a minimum lifting capacity of 400kg.12.2019Drum gripper with rotator
A prototype drum gripper with a 360 rotator is being developed. It allows lifting and turning of barrels up to 210l.04.2020Trailer with hydraulic dump
A prototype of a trailer with hydraulic dumping is being developed. It is characterized by a very sturdy kiper construction and a lifting capacity of more than 800kg.06.2020Completion of shear tests
Physical testing of the prototype shear has been completed and work has begun on developing a shear that allows it to work with any mini excavator and demolition robot09.2021e-Raptor 10c
A prototype of a mini-electric excavator has been created and field testing has begun.11.2021Mockingbird
A prototype of a grubber for mini excavators has been developed. Knives rotating at more than 2,000rpm allow for comfortable grubbing and even felling of small trees.02.2022Snow plow and pallet lifting fork
Prototypes of a snow plow with attachment to mini excavators and a pallet-lifting fork with adjustable fork spacing are being developed.01.2022Drilling rig
A prototype drill rig has been developed that allows free operation of drills up to 500mm with a 20l/min feed from a mini excavator. The product will soon go on sale.03.2022Completion of the penultimate stage of the NCBiR project
Research at the Wroclaw University of Technology has been completed. All milestones have been achieved. Work has begun on commercializing the results of the project.05.2022X150 demolition shears go into small batch production.
The shears, after undergoing a series of physical tests, met all customer expectations. Tests were also conducted in France. The DTR documentation has been finalized and the shears are in small-batch production traction. The first customers will receive the shears in the second half of 2022.05.2022New website and social media presence
Tophoe Poland is changing its design. A new website has been created and social media outreach campaigns have been launched.
Core team

more than 15 years of experience
Responsible for production and editing. He takes an active part in the construction process keeping an eye on technology. Controls cooperation with cooperators. He has extensive contacts in the manufacturing sector. Responsible for most ideas in the company. Privately, a lover of shooting and automobiles.
more than 15 years of experience
Responsible for creating DTR and CE documentation. Takes an active part in the design process. Responsible for dealing with cooperators. It has extensive contacts among suppliers and representatives of many components in the construction and mining machinery market. Privately, a lover of weapons and tomorrow's technologies.

more than 5 years of experience
Responsible for installation of power hydraulics and electrical system on machines. It exercises control over components and details supplied from third-party companies. In his spare time, he designs and prints components using 3D technology.

Tophoe Poland
street Strzegomska 55d
53-611 Wroclaw